I have to say it as a question because I live in the middle of red state hell, but it seems apparent to me that most agnostics/atheists in the US at least are intelligent and lean politically to the left. Is that a good generalization? I know no one is going to admit to stupidity but I do wonder if many are conservative. My stereotype could certainly be wrong ... many intelligent people may be conservative and agnostic and I just haven't found many of them. Thoughts?
We are about 8.7% of Dems, from the PEW RESEARCH Center in 2012. [pewforum.org] amound dems in post grad. Athesist tend to have a higher I.Q. there is all sorts of controversey over this reasearch. When you compare college education and identifed relgion affliation thinks get odd, they put atheists and agnositcs in seperate catagories which makes it look like we are two mutally exclusive groups, which is not always true. So it makes the percentage look lower than it probably is in reality.