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Anyone have any advice on starting a college secular club/group with getting harassed?


Swordsmith 5 Mar 4

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I'd say try not to respond, as annoying and frustrating as it is. If you're in a conservative area, I wouldn't trust administration to have your back. In fact, call it paranoia, but I wouldn't find it hard to believe they'd be looking for a reason to put a target on your club as disruptive, even when you're the victims.


I would not expect much of a problem....unless it is a religious school. Even here in the Bible Belt, at least many have Secular groups. You will get the odd troublesome bible-thumper no matter where you go.


Expect it. Deal with it. It is worth the rewards.

But that's what they said about going to heaven! =)


Your university likely has a chapter of Secular Student Alliance

Marz Level 7 Mar 4, 2018

What he said. Look up secular student alliance. They can help you start a chapter if you don't already have one. I was in one in Mississippi. Granted, we had very few members, harassment was not an issue. I had the sticker on my laptop, and no one every came up to me about that. I'm pretty scary though, if I decide to be. That being said, I was too much of a chicken to put it on my car. I kinda like its exterior


Why would a secular college club or group be harrassed?

They don't call em Holy Rollers for nuthin @birdingnut

Birdingnut, you must live in a more liberal place than I do. You can't even put a secular bumper sticker on your car in East Tennessee for fear your car will be vandalized.

@Eazyduzzit agree. Try Mississippi. I saw cars vandalized that had Darwin fish on their bumpers

It's astounding that in 2018 this country has gotten so backward in some areas. It won't surprise me if Republicans start up witch trials again.

@Eazyduzzit yes it's incredibly sad

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