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Just new to this site. But my beliefs in god are really.not there. But being a counselor I have no issue with their beliefs in god. But my thing is that same old feeling WHY shit happens. My realization it's called fate and that's it. Billy Graham just passed I doubt he.saw anything of St Peter. I believe he saw nothing. Oh well. At first I feared lightning bolts from Valhalla because of these beliefs but none yet. Just interested in finding someone of same thoughts.


stu1950 2 Mar 4

Enjoy being online again!

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Welcome! Every day there are an infinite number of possibilities. It isn't fate, as if something is destined to happen, it is simply one of the possible scenarios playing out. When we awake each day, chances are the most probable of all the possible outcomes will play out; but, sometimes, the least likely will play out. So, sometimes, shit just happens. And, if we engage in certain risky behaviors, the likelihood of some bad shit happening increases. But, one can be the most risk averse person around and still have the odds come down against them on any given day. And, yes, Billy Graham is simply gone. He is not standing in line to meet Jesus along with all the others who have just died.

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