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Does pineapple belong on a pizza?

My personal opinion I think it ruins the experience but everyone has their preferences lets hear from the community and what you think.

AJimboShep82 7 Apr 3

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I haven't found anything that pineapple doesn't improve in some way. Haven't tried it with peanut butter--don't like peanut butter.

I don't mind pb and j /honey sandwiches.


Fruit belongs on pizza.

In my opinion I think that the only fruit that goes on pizza is the pizza sauce.

@AJimboShep82 sun dried tomatoes and peppers are some of my favorite parts

@Biosteelman agreed


not for me, but for those who like it enjoy

Me personally think it should be enjoyed separately from pizza but to each their own.

@AJimboShep82 I do love fresh pineapple, and juiced with other fruits is awesome snd has wealth benefits as well

@gigihein aside from Pineapple being an aphrodisiac amongst other foods like honey and even bananas.

I do agree with that.


Yes, it tastes great--why not?

Carin Level 8 Apr 3, 2019

Love pineapple on pizza

gater Level 7 Apr 3, 2019

There is a Hawaiian pizza but for me that's a maybe.


But: fresh pineapple on the grill with a bit of butter and brown sugar...yum!

That does sound real tasty.


Now I really want pizza. Mmmnnn pineapple.?

LB67 Level 7 Apr 3, 2019

Your welcome ?


Silly wabbit, yes of course


Let's end pineapple segregation. It can go anywhere it wants.

JimG Level 8 Apr 3, 2019

Yes. It gives it a sweet flavor that pairs extremely well with the savory ham and mild mozzarella and a good spicy sauce.


Yes, with pepperoni, mushrooms and onion.

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