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If you could go anywhere in the world for a two week vacation, where would it be?

EmeraldJewel 7 Apr 7

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my only bucket list destination would be the pyramids in Egypt always wanted to go there and see the magnificence of those great creations. The only other place I would love to visit is another inhabited planet which would never happen in my lifetime


To the arms of my beloved?


For me it would have to be Italy the land of my Forefathers It is an Amazing place and in all my travels I have never been

@Allamanda Maybe someday Time to hang up my passport for a few years But it is definately on my bucket list


New Zealand, both Islands by sea...on a small cruise ship which can get into all the inlets and sounds. I already priced one and it was going to cost nearly £20,000 including flights from the I didn’t book it!

@Allamanda I may still go, but I’d have to scale it down to a more modest price. I have been to Australia, and loved it, so I would plan to visit both counties if I do,

@Allamanda I love driving and distance driving doesn’t faze me....but I agree, once I get to somewhere interesting I like to stay and really explore it in depth. The problem about travelling to the other side of the world is that you want to pack in as much as possible, because you may not have the means to return for many years...if ever.


galapagos... maybe the azores


Just give me a beach somewhere, where I can fall asleep listening to the waves crash against the shore.

Listening to the waves would be amazing!


I'm planning a 4 week trip to Iceland/ Europe next year


Spain. More specifically I would go to Barcelona. The artwork, the architecture, the people and the beaches are a draw for me.


New Zealand, just because.

gearl Level 8 Apr 8, 2019

Any state that I haven't been in yet. I have 30 to choose from.


Africa- where it all began

Sure as Kilimanjaro rises like Olympus over the Serengeti.


@webbew1 sounds like he wants to take the time to do the things he never had

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