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LINK If you want to feel happier, just spend 20 minutes in nature | MNN - Mother Nature Network

I live in a rural city near the Horicon National Wildlife Refuge and have plenty of nature right out the door. For those in the city, get out to the park and feel better.

Mark013 7 Apr 8

Enjoy being online again!

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Nature is my most trusted companion.

It doesn't lie, cheat or steal and always tells me exactly what it's feeling so I know what my next step should be.


um... but not poison ivy.



Siince age 21, hiking has been my passion. Hiking is an uplifting, transcendent experience for me.

The Healing Power of Nature

"Japanese researchers found that people who spend 40 minutes walking in a cedar forest, had lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol, which is involved in blood pressure and immune-system function, compared when they spent 40 minutes walking in a lab.

"Another researcher, Dr. Quing Li, a professor at the Nippon Medical School in Tokyo, found that trees and plants emit aromatic compounds called phytoncides that, when inhaled, can spur healthy biological changes. Li has shown that when people walk through or stay overnight in forests, they often exhibit changes in the blood that are associated with protection against cancer, better immunity and lower blood pressure.

"Recent studies have also linked nature to symptom relief for health issues like heart disease, depression, cancer, anxiety and attention disorders."

From "The Healing Power of Nature," Time magazine, July 25, 2016.


Sound advice

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