There is no greater gift from this universe of ours than the smile of a baby and the trust of a child. I will show my gratitude by always returning that smile, and protecting that trust.
I feel that way about my little girl- she smiles and just lights up my heart and I feel like I'm floating- when she sees me after work and smiles just for me I melt inside- as she's trying to walk around and I have my hands supporting her and she gives me know she's safe with mom grins- when I go in to her room in the morning and she gets up excitedly - I can't say how filling that is to me
I'm not sure to whom or what you're referring. Could you provide a little context?
Every time a baby smiles at me, I'm heart-warmed. Which I'm in the presence of children I feel how delicate their trust is and want to do everything to protect them. Even when they're making me crazy.