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That is one step to becoming an Atheist nation just like France. France is doing just fine without the fairy tales and so will we one day.


While we are on our way to no longer being a minority, we must also reassert out rights and power.


This is from Wikipedia regarding Irreligion in the United States

"Unaffiliated Americans are sometimes referred to as the "Nones" demographic, which include atheists, agnostics or “nothing in particular”.According to Pew in 2017, 72% of the "Nones" believe in God, a higher power, or spiritual force."

The thing is "No Religion" does not mean 'no belief' in you know who, in fact Wiki says 72% on one survey were believers.

Also, on a different note. I don't think there is a reduction in religion per se, but there seems to be a reduction of the public displays of religious items and people in general seem to be less concerned with belief in god [of course there is a vocal minority, which wants to push the country in favor of its own morality]

cava Level 7 Apr 13, 2019

there is hope yet


People are finally being realistic about the myths

Unity Level 8 Apr 13, 2019
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