She didn't order her not to choose him, she suggested she pick someone else. Let the child be disillusioned if that's what she chooses. Life will teach.
This is like a previous sensational media headline - "Students banned from wearing MAGA hats at school!!!!!"
Come to find out it's the poor kid's dad, likely a Trump slurping MAGA chud suffering from a persecution complex (don't they all?), that made a big stink at a school where NO HATS are allowed to be worn in school independent of whether the hats say anything or not.
One thing is for sure, these 'much-ado-about-nothing' headlines drive a lot of impressions and revenue enhancing click-thru traffic.
Anyway, from the linked article-
“It is not accurate that this student was told that they were not allowed to conduct research or report on any individual for a school assignment, including President Trump,” Sachem Central School District superintendent Dr. Kenneth Graham said in a statement. “To the best of our knowledge, by choice, the student is still conducting their project of President Trump.”
Ah, I see you've been in the back end of a website. lol. I did use the word "suggested". I post only to garner opinions to create conversations. This is a great site for it.
That is how tRump supporters think and react. I taught the persuasive essay for 9th graders and when I first taught I was at a Catholic school. I suggested not to do abortion because they couldn't produce an objective and scientific argument very well. Still, they would try, and get no A.