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To many of you here, for better or worse you have experienced a relatively normal family life. Here in Australia there are still peoole who are deprived of childhoods with their parents. I am not just talking of the deprivations caused by family law courts but as a result of deliberate governmental policies designed to help create the genocide that occurs with regard to Australian First Nations People. In recent years the separation of children from their families and traditional culture has been occurring in the name of protecting children. The evidence that resulted in this "intervention" subsequently turned out to be the invention of a staffer in the ministry of John Howard, Bush's brown noser in the war resulting from the lie of weapons of mass destruction. The only weapons of mass destruction were the shells and their radioactive dust left by the allies. But I digress!

Tonight I went to see a performance of the play "Hart" which vividly exposes the injustice against Australian First Nations People. An injustice known originally as the "Stolen Generations" now the Intervention children.

Written and performed by proud Noongar man Ian Michael the play tells of
" Australia’s history, & an unknown number of Indigenous children have been forcibly removed from their families. Parents driven mad, grandparents heartbroken, siblings torn apart, language lost, and culture stripped away."



The play will be going on world tour before long so anyone who wishes to see it in their area please get your local theatre to make bookings.

FrayedBear 9 Mar 6

Enjoy being online again!

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I have freinds and people I once worked with that are products of Native American (religious boarding school) and they tell about being forcable removed from their famalies, beaten when they spoke their language or attempted to do cultural practice or refused to pray to Jesus (Catholic boarding school for most of them) or attempt to run away and get home. Many Native American religious practices were illegal in the United States until 1996. I could type pages of bad outcomes and experience that people shared with me. []

As usual with such legislation that act appears to be a load of bullshit that had no power. Have things actually changed or is it another case of "white man talk with forked tongue".


For better thank you


Sounds similar to what the US did to the American Indians and their families.

British colonialisation, genocide and land piracy.


Part of the continued injustice is the failure to protect historically significant sites such as the Burrup in Western Australia -

"Western Australia´s Burrup Peninsula is the world's largest outdoor rock engraving site, containing rock art of world importance possibly dating back to 30,000 years ago, including possibly the first ever representation of the human face in history. The Western Australian Government is still planning to turn part of this site into a natural gas production and processing facility against the wishes of some of the site`s Aboriginal custodians and the scientific community. "

I notice that there has only been 12 gestures of support in USA and 9 in the U.K. Perhaps members can create some leverage here to help lift the agnostic/ atheist profile.

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