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Thinly veiled criticism...

Do posts or polls that say things like "I'm not against you but" or "I'm not trying to pick on you/be rude but" and then go on to clearly do or be just that offend, amuse, disgust you? Etc. Etc. (I find it to be hilarious but also tasteless)

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Byrd 7 Apr 18

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The word but, means everything that came before it is untrue. I try to avoid using it.


Be wary of anyone using the word "but" happy if it has two "t's" 🤣


you could chalk it up to them TRYING to be nice and/or civil and not really having a filter...or they think that by saying it upfront you might not notice what a jerk they are 🙂

lerlo Level 8 Apr 19, 2019

It's evidence of their lack of education.

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