This headline unfortunately is NOT satire.
That reminds me of another interesting point. Isn't it odd though that some of the poorest nations have the happiest people?
Well... In the UI.S. people are told they can achieve anything, when that really isn't true for most people. If you took a randome sample of the top 1%, you woudl find that less than 6 out of 10,000 were nto born into the top- 1%.
I think they tell the lies to get people to work harder to make rich people richer, while those who do the real work hardly get anywhere.
In contrast, people in poor countries are led to have such great and false expectations and don't 'blame themselves for not "making it". They grow iup beign happy with what they have, instead of beign trained to desire more.
@snytiger6 Though I agree with most of what you just said, I think you miss worded this part - If you took a randome sample of the top 1%, you woudl find that less than 6 out of 10,000 were nto born into the top- 1%. - I think you meant that the majority were born into wealth?
@chucklesIII Well yeah. Most of the wealthy inherited it. One people have money, their money can make money. Wealth has little to do with hard work or working hard to get ahead.
There will be one exception: those with bone spurs and a doctor's note.