Not a horrible idea.
I think this may be the correct path to take, as disgusting and disheartening more months of all the vileness embodied in trump and his gop adherents will mean. Give trump enough rope and he and his cabal very well may hang themselves.
We must get away from corporate Dems and 'moderate' gop as both do everything for the wealthy and big business and very little for the 90% of Americans.
I understand that there is in the political nature to destroy the otherside by allowing this person to continue unabaded, but what do we as a nation lose in doing so. The impeachment of Clinton was not about him trying to obstruct justice and preventing special prosecuter from linking him to possi le collusion with a foreign government.
I think that th enation needs to see trump held accountable as well as his cronies in the senate who seek to disgrace and violate their oaths of office.
But that's juts my opinion.