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The political spectrum

Where on the political spectrum do you identify yourself. Personally I would go for slightly left of center. How about you. Where do you stand and why?

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RobH86 7 Apr 23

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I'm independent on all issues far left on some and right leaning on others. On that note I didn't vote because independent is not an option

Tejas Level 8 May 3, 2019

interesting. I know a lot of people who hold some left wing views and some right wing views. Most of these people identify as politically central or thereabouts. But I do like your take on it


Left of center. Need to be able to consider all sides of an issue

lerlo Level 8 Apr 26, 2019

I’m not totally far left but overall I’m pretty much opposite to everything professed by people who claim to be right of center, center and left of center.

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