So I live in the Philippines, where it is normal to live with your grandma or parents. I meet people thru my family normally since I was brought up with a strict morale upbringing. Although I really don't believe in Jesus Christ, many people here still believe in the Anointed Son of God, some of them my relatives are trying to match me with a Pastor's son thinking it would convert me to a good person. What do u think?
One of my friends dated the daughter of a minister for a while, and he couldn;'t believe how horny she was! She liked getting it on at the drive in movie theaters. This was in 1978,
Listen to Dusty Springfield sing Son of a Preacher Man. There are a couple of versions of it on YT.
My last boyfriend was from the Philippines. His family was interesting. His mother's side of the family had no problem with his beign gay, while his father's side of the family kept trying to get him to date women. He was actually more feminine than most women are.
Anyway, one of hsi uncles on his father's side, who was the most preachy, ended up robbing his workplace and killing a Japanese exchange student who worked there. Religiousity does not indicate whether or nto a person is good or not.
I think your family is just tryign to make you into somethi8gn you are not, just so their friends and aquaintancers at church won't be able to gossip about you and have it reflect on them. Be true to yourself. Don'tlet them put you into a a box that doesn't fit you.
You could corrupt his beliefs turn him into atheism
U are like the uncle I never had. Maybe I'll tell him on our wedding day. I am not kidding
@LunaFaeryShelle wish I was younger
Depends on the person and how accepting they are. At 17 I dated a paster's daughter. She was an only child. Just 20, with 60 year old evangelical parents. I was far from a "bad" boy, but not a believer, and she wanted to experiment.
Yeah. U are so cool. By the way I love that Beowulf story in highschool. His main enemy there Grendel somewhat reminds me of mad Christ