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LINK Harvard study: Heat slows down the brain by 13% - Big Think

This may help explain the "bible belt"

snytiger6 9 Apr 27

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As Spock would say, "Fascinating".

THHA Level 7 Apr 27, 2019

The older I get, the less I like Summer heat. I still work outside doing labor and have to set up a canopy and have rest periods along with plenty of water if humid.


Maybe I should move north. No, it would be stupid to move where it snows all of the time. Maybe the heat is not affecting me after all.

I used to live in Los Angeles. I moved north to the Portland/Vancouver area. At most we only get a few inches of snow on teh vqalley floor (elevation about 500-600 feet above sea level). The hiulls aroudn the valley get snow (about 1500 feet above sea leavel).

I am told back in the erly 20th century they used to get up tot six feet of snow on the valley floor. Climate changes have taken care of that.

On the down side it rains here more than six out of seven days from mid October through Mid March. Seattle is a bit worse rain wise and Eugene gets less rain, but more snow due to a higher elevation.

@snytiger6 I have always heard good things about the NW in general. I have only gotten as close as Spokane. I really don't mind rain that much. I like cloudy days in the winter. I don't know why, but it is a look I like.

@Sticks48 Just so you know, Spokane is the largest right wing city in the state. I myself would not feel comfortable living there.... although it is still a beautiful area.

@snytiger6 We were playing in Lake Hauser, Idaho, and drove over there one day. It was beautiful. I thought it was cool the way they connected the downtown blocks with walkways on the second floor.

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