This is certainly a way to remember your loved ones. Or your frenemies, perhaps. Until it becomes more economically feasible, though, I don't see it catching on. I'd certainly have it done, were it to become an option in VA. (Right now I have plans to donate my corpse to the nearest med school. The thought of being of use after I'm gone is nice. What I REALLY wanted to do, being mystery buff, is donate my body to BODY FARM for study in Tennessee, but I live outside their catchment area and would have to pay to have it shipped there. And since I really do believe in acting local, sigh, I decided to help a med school here.)
Not a good idea to recycle organic remains of species that are too close to us. if not very well controlled all those parasites that evolved to attack us can have a new way to spread.
The same goes for all superior apes, we are too close, infections from one can too easily jump to others.
I love this idea. None of that polluting formaldehyde for me as it is. And now, no polluting the air. Good news.
My body goes to medical research - unfortunately they cremate at the end.
@Allamanda There is enough of a need that institutions are actively seeking people. And paying a token shipping fee. The groups have the option to opt out - too badly damaged body, possibly too many in the system at the time, contagion, etc. I think, as an off theory, that with the rise of body "farms" for forensic research (which have long waiting list oddly) may have lessened the bodies available for medical research. Just a thought. There is also the fellow (German maybe) who plasticises bodies - his list is way long.
@Allamanda I'm sure much if what is donated isn't worth using. On the other side, I've seen things changed to make some donations harder to do, especially here in the US for the homeless. Side story: about 12 years ago I was at a Pep Boys and overheard a conversation - an African fellow stopped by and wanted to know if they could donate used tires. The manager said it wasn't legal; then he said something I did not expect. He told the man when the garbage pick up came and said if the tires piled up to be taken disappeared the night before he wouldn't know or say anything about them leaving early. Sad that people have to "break the law" to help others.
@Allamanda I know. And in NYC, they can no longer cull the geese at the airports and give the meat to the homeless shelters. They could still cull the geese, but PETA was keeping quiet as long as the meat went to the homeless. So now the city has two problems: more cost to feed the homeless and less resources to do so; and more dangerous flying conditions (remember, that is what brought down the flight in Washington D.C.)