I officiated over a beautiful belly dance wedding once. Very secular, and completely heartfelt. One of the most moving unions of 2 people I've ever seen. I've never been to non-theist funeral. I loathe preachers at funerals. They exploit the dead. Has anyone ever been to a non theist wedding or funerall?
yes - Sweet! - and I have also been to a reliousy'ish one that was also great and done by the friends of our Mandy and a woman (pastor?) religion wasnt really mentioned and the choir were mandys friends and they didnt sing hymns. just really nice songs in harmony.
My marriage ceremony was officiated by a humanist in a cemetery.
I speak at atheist and agnostic funerals and viewings for those seeking a non-religious ceremony. Mostly friends and family members. If anyone's ever at a loss for a funeral orator, just ask The Antichrist.
That's rad. I will not forget this.
My own wedding was entirely godless, my (ex)partner and myself both being atheists. We specifically asked for atheist vows and adapted them to suit our own beliefs (none of that "honour and obey" crap) and, although there were Christians, Hindus, Muslims and Jews among the friends we invited, we asked them not to give us any kind of religious blessing.
Same with me and my ex, all non religious wedding.
Yes I have been to a few celebrations of life that were non religious. They were all cremated. Some of these celebrations included a shared spreading of the ashes.
I've ministered about a dozen godless weddings. No godless funerals yet.
I had a god-free wedding. I am also an ordained minister and would happily perform god-free wedding ceremonies.
Ours qualified. No one mentioned God. The officiator was a NA "shaman" with a PhD in psychology. He drove a DeLorean and wore robes. No headdress.
Non theist wedding, yeah. It was the nicest, most genuine wedding I've been to.
A man I went to school with had a dad I was close to and the dad died. Over the years he became a non-believer and we had that in common. His "funeral" was a wake at a community center. Strangely, 4 or 5 preachers were there. They knew him and tried to make this gathering religious. The deceased had played country music and some of his younger friends were there also trying to play religious songs. One of them told me "he would want me to play this." For a while I thought we were at a revival. It was the damnedest thing I had ever seen. The deceased had been cremated and was buried next to his wife in the cemetery later.
I can't say that I have, even when I got married (now divorced) we got married in vegas and asked the officiant to make it non relgious, no mention of god. And sure enough, that douche bag included something about god and at that point my brother got a pic of our faces and the looks were worth a thousand words, but mostly "wtf" lol! Anyway, your belly dancing story sounds wonderful!