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I think this opinion article actually said something very important and true, but it was so excessively wordy about it (a fault I readily admit I share) that the key point may have been lost for most readers.

The author is arguing--quite rationally-- for us to not despair or lose all hope. He was NOT saying everything is fine and that we are silly drama queens.

It was a warning for us not to forget that our overall outlook can be deeply effected by the way most media operates, by reporting only the most dramatic and alarming news.

I liked the author's analogy of a newborn baby in critical but improving condition, in a neonatal intensive care unit. We deserve to be concerned, absolutely. It is not helpful or appropriate to be giving away all the baby-rearing supplies and planning a funeral. Hopeless dispair serves none of us.

Maybe it is time for us to read Viktor Frankl's psychology classic, "Man's Search For Meaning." The seeds for Frankl's masterpiece were sewn during his years in a nazi concentration camp. --not a very hopeful situation.


The author is dead so how good can his world be? 😉

Of course there are good things...balance keeps me sane...but I am not sticking my head in the sand when others are not experiencing my good fortune...the Pollyanna view of life is just as can't go around singing "la la la" as many around you burn to the ground...

The author actually argued the very point you just made. Unfortunately, the title of the article implies a pollyanna imbalance.

@MikeInBatonRouge I was not refuting what he had said, just reiterating it into,perhaps, a too simplistic view based on my personal philosophy...

I consider myself a pragmatist...yes, I recognize the broken things, the despair, the negative facets of life...but to let them impede my personal growth and happiness is non-productive and does give a sense of hopelessness and lack of meaning to life...

The solution is as simple for me as to turn off the outside world and make shit to donate...we all have to walk away to replenish and nourish ourselves in positive ways, whatever works.


Technology really doesn't mean much as long as human beings continue to treat each other the way human beings do. I don't really care what some guy from Sweden, a country with more safety nets for it's population than any other place I can think of, thinks about how good the world is. It is very subjective.


Oh good! Maybe I'll buy a new car after all.


Depends , on if you're the one being badly affected .

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