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LINK This writer explains why millennials ‘refuse to grow up’ in viral thread. | GOOD

Why do liberals like Bill Maher? He's an asshole.

altschmerz 9 May 10

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I think Maher is funny, and he seems to have the nerve to say what he thinks without being intimidated by people who call him down. I believe that deep down, on some level, we all have a part of us that would like to shut up or muzzle anyone who criticizes us or the things we believe in or value. Some people actually do try to do just that. He doesn't really seem to care.

Too many people very seriously want to muzzle or shut up people who say things they don't like to hear -- especially when they speak the unpleasant truth. Super-hero stories and comics are basically for kids, and although I think there's nothing really wrong with adults enjoying stories and comics like these, I think it's not good for society, in terms of fostering a more intelligent, enlightened society, to be as preoccupied with super-heroes and comics the way we are currently.

@altschmerz Yes. Although I think it's generally a good thing for people to try to have some respect for each other's feelings, feeling free to express one's opinions honestly is important, too. And to be honest, we can't go around trying to avoid offending anybody at all.

I want to add here too, that it's understandable that fans of Stan Lee and comic books would find Maher's remarks offensive. I guess celebrities like Bill Maher make being controversial and somewhat offensive at times a part of their job.

@MST3K so you're applauding Maher for being a dick and NOT respecting people's feelings in one breath and criticizing those who disagree with him for responding in kind? Wtf?


I don't know why liberals think Maher is a liberal or even a progressive. Maher is a libertarian, a regressive, and a hypocritical asshole.

JimG Level 8 May 10, 2019

Yep. Bill maher can go eat a bag of Dicks. He is an irrelevant twat who is just as cluless about the state of the world as every other shitty self centered coke addled boomer.

Bag of dicks


Bill maher offers nothing, he is not even amusing now if he ever was and definitely not funny. To place him in context of comedy, if for instance Bill was a Monthy Python character he would be in the dead parrot sketch. Yes boys and girls he would be the dead parrot!!


They both have their points, but personally the stereotyped, macho male fantasy comic stuff makes me almost injure myself rolling my eyes, although I liked it until I was ten.


Bill Maher gets away with so much stupid shit because he "makes people laugh." They'll excuse so much if they like you.

Nevermind that he's got questionable scientific positions on things like fucking vaccines, his "documentary" Religulous was so fucking bad that it made atheists look desperate and just so, so much more. Fuck Bill Maher.


It's not a matter of "refusing to grow up" it's obsessing with a cartoon writer. Stan Lee was good, and. talented. I agree with Maher...if you get obsessive-compulsive about comic books/comic's not that you're refusing to grow up" just that your a sad, obsessive-compulsive person.


@altschmerz Try this one.


@altschmerz Don't get me wrong; although I'd never put A...hole status on Bill,

I still enjoy MAD magazine,

I have fond memories of Charlottes' Web, Tom and Jerry, and Cinderella (lest we forget Snow White and the 7 dwarfs and Pinnochio) -

I just don't obsess over them like Bill's critique points out about the obsessive-compulsive Stan Lee superhero comics devotees.

Be well!


What does it mean to be grown up?


Wow! a hateful, obviously jealous rant because Bill nailed it...and her. Sorry, Ms Valente and Flasco...I think Bill's right...and you're the a...holes. All Bill said was that he was sad by the Stan Lee obsessive/compulsives...and she wen't off on him? Bill's earned his chops...she obviously has not. Go Bill!

Here's Bill's take on his Comment reactions to the Stan Lee commentary;


Shit! Lee's movies are FOR adults, (and older kids who can enjoy them without being messed up by the often dark plots). I am guessing that Bill has not had any quality playtime in his life. He should try it! If not, no biggie, but... if the rest of us still enjoy goofing around, while meeting our responsibilities, what's that to him?

LOVED the comments to the article, BTW. I've always wondered why it was considered "proper" to sacrifice so much of our life to the fattening of corporations and their execs, while starving ourselves and our families of quality living time. I am almost 55. I did my corporate time and made just enough to enjoy life with my loved ones. I am playing nearly full time now and loving it! I won't be living a rich lifestyle, but there are worse things.

Zster Level 8 May 10, 2019

Many millennials are working hard with two or three part-time jobs. My daughter did that for years while getting her bachelor degree. Claire finished high school in 2008 during the worst recession since the Great Depression.

At 29, Claire is a millennial. After graduating with honors (3.9 GPA) from the University of Washington, the university- with her permission- sent Claire's name and contact information to top medical recruiters.

Claire still works two jobs 10-12 hours/day. At Microsoft, Claire orients employees to their health insurance options; she is paid by Evergreen Medical Center full time. Providence Hospital, where Claire formerly worked, asked Claire to do contract work at home on her computer part-time.

Before they were married, Claire and Matt bought a house in 2017. Matt works for Boeing supervising the machine shop. He works long hours. With high energy, Matt loves remodeling their house.

Claire, 29, and Matt, 34, were married in Sept. 2018 at Lake Chelan. They hope to start a family in two years.

I feel proud of my daughter. Claire has always been a hard worker.


I'm an early Gen X with 3 Millennial kids and in many ways I think the way they think. The social contract is broken and you are a sap if you buy into the game but you can still work it to your advantage if you wish. The Boomers take no responsibility for any of the shit they did to the planet and our chances of survival as a species on it, time will tell how that all plays out in the end, although I suspect that a brief respite will be gained when much of the wealth that was amassed gets transferred to the next generation as the current masters of the universe take their dirt naps. Either that or the whole currency system does a reset and only a tiny percentage have any sort of civilized lifestyle. Either that or we wind up eating our dead as Soylent Green, Red, White and Blue. Either that or we all move to communes and sing Koombai Yah each night before sleeping together in a communal bunny nest.
Who knows for sure but one thing is certain, things will change.


I used to like Bill Maher, but I have grown away from him. As to this issue, Maher seems like a judgmental boring asshole. People like what they like. For him to disparage people for being grateful for Stan Lee who created joy for people with superhero movies or comics and counter it with saying that he is grateful to live in a world that includes trees and oxygen makes him seem like an obnoxious boring twat. I'm sure he likes to do things that others might look at as being "childish" or something from his teen years he's holding on to, like his well known drug habit and maybe fucking porn stars (Heather Hunter). I'm sure he might have some other hobbies that are "questionable" in that context like maybe...oh....say.....making fun of people in comedy. Isn't that a childish thing down at it's core? He reminds me of Biden telling Millennials that he has no sympathy for them. Maher's generation in the public eye are the ones that have fucked it up so much for Millennials anyway. Maybe his focus should be on them.

@altschmerz Biden doesn't even try to hide it.


I'm a nerd and, while I don't read comic books, I do fully enjoy Marvel movies. I also fully enjoy video games and yes, GTA is one of my favorites. No, I don't care that the main characters are always male and no I'm not going to go out and commit crimes because of what I learned in the game. I realize that video games are fantasy and the things that happen in them can't happen in real life.

That's one of the beautiful things about fantasy, you can act out or watch things that you wouldn't otherwise be able to experience. It's also a good distraction from all of the depressing shit that's going on in the world most of the time. I'm certain that without good movies and games that I would have ended up in a straight jacket years ago.

Sorry (not sorry) that I refuse to "grow up", Billy. Don't get me wrong, I'm perfectly capable of "adulting" when I need to, I'd just rather do what makes me happy than what makes me miserable, like you.

@ToolGuy I don't know much about her. I don't watch TV so I've never seen her show. I did just see Avengers Endgame last weekend. It was phenomenal.


So. Much. Whining.
From everyone.

Yes, Maher can be a monumental asshole. He still makes me laugh.
ALL the millennials I know are far too busy working their asses off, and raising
their children, to play in ball pits and run away from "adulting".
ALL the young people I know who are coming behind the millennials, are also
working their asses off to prepare for college, and life in the "real world".

Occasionally, I will post the meme about needing "an adultier adult".
It is a joke.
Being an adult really fucking blows sometimes.
I don't know anyone who hides from it.

Stan Lee was a brilliant and creative man. He lived a good, long life.
He brought a lot of entertainment to a lot of people.

I just took my youngest great-nephew to see "Avengers: Endgame", for
his 11th birthday.
Last year, for his birthday, I took him to see "Avengers: Infinity War".
Last month, I took him to see "Captain Marvel" because we both wanted
to see it.
On Christmas Eve, I took him and his younger sister to see "Aquaman".
This coming Christmas, we will be going to see the new "Star Wars" movie.
So the fuck what?

I also watch "Game of Thrones" on Sunday night with his father, my grown
nephew. He comes over here to watch because by the time it comes on, his
wife and kids are all in bed, asleep.

Okay, rant over. I forgot where I was going with this.
Another "fun" aspect of being an adult.

@altschmerz I remembered my point!! LOL
Maher is being unnecessarily dismissive. Perhaps because he IS an asshole, and he means it. Or perhaps, because it's what he does for a living, and gets paid a lot of money for it.
Either way, it's just his opinion, and no one else has to agree with him.

I think it's kind of stupid to dismiss entire generations of people based on stereotypes.
This site is a perfect example of that.
Older people are frequently categorized as generally conservative, republican, racist, reactionary, and misogynistic.
There are A LOT of older folks on this site who blow those stereotypes right out of the water.


Because even an asshole can speak the truth. By most measure, Billy Graham was a nice man, yet he spent his whole life preaching a lie. Being nice or being an asshole has little bearing on someone speaking a truth or a lie.

@altschmerz He raised them to believe a lie. I have known nice folks who have a kid turn out to be horrible, and I have known assholes who have had great kids. Kids are a crapshoot. Maher may not be as progressive as you or me, but most of America is not. Just as most Americans are not extremely conservative. Most Americans are in the middle leaning left or right to varying degrees.

@altschmerz He did not think he was. I didn't say Graham was smart. I think he really believed what he was saying was truth. I think all religions cause damage. Define progressive. I don't believe there is a definitive definition of the term when using it to describe a political movement or point of view.

@altschmerz In politics, one persons forward can be another persons backwards. I never said he was a role model. He is a liberal. The only role models I have ever had were my family.

@altschmerz All this amounts to is you don't like Maher, and that's ok. The guy that wrote the article is so off the mark. Maher is a comedian/social critic. Comedians, the good ones, push the envelope, and sometimes they cross a line that some folks don't like. The names Republican, Democrat, Libertarian and Independent have very little meaning. All of those groups have changed and shifted continuously throughout my lifetime. I don't agree with everything Maher says, but I don't agree with everything anyone says. I do agree with him most of the time.


I like Bill Maher, but I don't always agree with him. I work with dozens of super motivated highly talented 20 and 30 year olds. They are almost uniformly more mature and higher functioning than I was at that age. I couldnt say enough good about all of them.


I feel she nailed it.

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