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What if you had proof that there were no gods?

I'm not talking about something that someone could still deny (though lets be honest, faith is a strong thing for a lot of people and there would still be some deniers). What if you had tangible, irrefutable proof that there were no gods? Would you tell anyone? If you would, who would you tell and why?

TheInfiniteChris 5 Mar 9

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This is a diicult question to answer. The laws of logic would have to change also. If I could prove by definition what can not be proven it would get interesting. But lets play! Lets say that the Jewish God told the whole world at once "The Jesus thing is made up, Worship me the Jewish God in the Jewish way." Lets say he did this in a way that everyone recieved this as a personal message they could hear in thie own language(even the deaf and they could understand it. A great indisputable miracle, right? No. Many Christians or maybe most of them would become even more religious. sociology has demonstrated this again and again. Many would belive it was Satan trying to fool us and allowed by God to "test" us. They would become more ardent Christians. I do not have what I could not have, the ability to prove the unproveable. But I do have something of great value. The Bible. I can prove that the Bible was written by man. That it has a definate evolution of theology both within Judaism and in Christianity. I can prove that the authors had different and conflicting ideas. I can prove that it contains numerous forgeries. On a very bad day I can prove its very fallible. Would I tell anyone? I just did and will always do so at every opportunity. The reason is, I was brainwashed as a child and became a Young Earth creationist, Fundamentalist wacko. No matter how much I was indoctrinated It could not stop my thirst for knowlege, I wanted to know everything I could about God. As I studied, I came to the conclusion that it was made up . I believe it is very unhealthy for people to live thier lives based on what is not real. I do what I do to help others escape the bonds of religion as I had no one to help me. I had to do it on my own, in isolation. It is my hope that with my help the transition to reality will be much easier for others. Rant complete.

And that is the main thing that separates most believers from most nonbelievers in my opinion: what is done with new evidence provided. It's like i always tell people, if tangible evidence supporting the existence of any sort of god is ever presented then my views will shift accordingly given the proper independent research. I wouldn't continue to deny the evidence because it's what i grew up doing and i feel comfortable and safe in my delusions. I think It's easier to make a believer out of a nonbeliever than vice versa, but there's just that little thing you need: tangible proof.

@TheInfiniteChris it is now time to make a very long reply....yep

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