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LINK Tiger farms in Laos fuel demand for tiger parts on black market - Washington Post

This is a very long article, but worth it. I think so, at least.

Tomfoolery33 9 May 11

Enjoy being online again!

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I can't read it. WaPo won't let me do that without subscribing. a 27-year advocate for endangered species...I can't read it because it breaks my heart!

It should let you read an article without subscribing. Usually you only have to subscribe when you read more articles.

@tnorman1236 A big ad fills the screen and tries to ''guilt me'' into giving them a dollar week or something like that. It won't go away.

@LucyLoohoo There's no "X" in the corner or anything? Because I didn't have that problem.

@tnorman1236 There's an X in the corner but you can't click on it to make it disappear. This is common with newspapers and their online articles. They want you to pay to view...and I can't blame them. I just don't want to BUY them.

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