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LINK Less Than Half in U.S. Would Vote for a Socialist for President

FTA: Among religious identities, more than nine in 10 Americans say they are willing to vote for a qualified Catholic or Jewish candidate, while smaller majorities say they are willing to vote for an evangelical Christian (80%), a Muslim (66%) or an atheist (60%).

Meanwhile, Americans are nearly universally willing to vote for a black (96%) or Hispanic (95%) candidate -- and the same is true for their willingness to vote for a woman (92%). More than three in four say they would vote for a gay or lesbian candidate.

zblaze 7 May 15

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No surprise. We are primarily center left and center right country with a communism hangover that will not go away until the Baby Boomers and their parents pass.


They listen to fox Assholes and believe their lies

bobwjr Level 10 May 15, 2019

I don't think so! Half of the population is not brain dead. Maybe 5% will vote for a socialist gangster.

zesty Level 7 May 15, 2019

Because they've been brainwashed to not know socialism. How do the elitists stay in power and suck everyone dry? Just leave enough scrapes and cheap enough entertainment and shout a few times: God, guns, patriotism, etc.

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