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LINK Wisconsin Assembly poised to approve 'born alive' bill - KTTC

The Uterus Police are truly twisted. There are 4 Bills currently in the Wisconsin House, all pertaining to abortion.

I'm thinking all this uterus stuff is their way of fantasizing about getting into women's pants without the threat of them being caught watching porn. This just is not natural.

SeaGreenEyez 9 May 15

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I don't understand their reasoning. For a group of men who fear more women in positions of power, they are doing everything they can to insure more women go after that power. Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!


I live here, governor will never sign it. State is gerrymandered to the max and GOP stays in office in the assembly due to that. We elected a democrat for governor but he is being blocked in many ways.


This is pure madness. It is like when one is watching one of those black and white old movies, where the people are totally mad.

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