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The great bacon debate, how do you like yours? I was having this discussion with some friends, who prefer theirs completly crispy and cooked in the oven forever. I can't think of anything worse, as I like mine fried for a few minutes still light with a slight Caramelization nomnom. They were like ewww, but then my other friend agreed with me but said he had to have maple syrup over his, ick! lol

Sacha 7 Mar 9

Enjoy being online again!

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I like mine without the lard being so prominent. Crispy is ok, but can be too much. Low-fat bacon cooked enough to be slightly crunchy is good. Maple on bacon is an indication of a sick mind ?


@Sacha ARE YOU BACK???! You Vanished for awhile and I was looking for you, miss!!!! I have MISSED YOU!!!! YAY!! 😀

Sadoi Level 7 Aug 1, 2018

The only way I cook it now is over a camp fire. It's very tricky (tends to flare as the fat drips), but ends up delightfully flavored. As far as crisp vs not, I like it both ways. I can cook it to produce both results.

Zster Level 8 Mar 10, 2018

!! I would like my to two eggs -over done..and fry-boiled potato with red IT up..with parmesan cheese...hummm..delicious...!!

Atila Level 3 Mar 10, 2018

I like mine with mushrooms, tomatos, eggs and baked beens, I don't give a fuck how it's cooked.


Baked bacon is my favorite


I like it slightly Crisp not burnt lols


I like my bacon almost under done. There is something about just having the edge far crisped and yet still having the meat of the bacon tender that is just so delicious to me.


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