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Why thinking is the hardest part of our brain?

lovethinking 3 Nov 11

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Common sense: “Those plain, self-evident truths or conventional wisdom that one needed no sophistication to grasp and no proof to accept precisely because they accorded so well with the basic (common sense) intellectual capacities and experiences of the whole social body" Rosenfeld, Sophia (2014). Common sense : a political history. [S.l.]: Harvard Univ Press. p. 23. ISBN 9780674284166.

"Common sense" is the ability with which animals (including humans) process sense-perceptions, memories and imagination (phronein) in order to reach many types of basic judgments. Aristotle

So, it sounds like an animal thing and shouldn't be that difficult to access.


In certain situations, the reason I think so much is because I start to explore my options, as well as results. I would rely on my instinct, but that is not always the best decision.


I disagree it's easy to think its really hard to use common sense since we live in a world of differences

The word thinking in my post meant common senses and out of the box. It's not easy.

Common sense does not exist for there is no such thing as common in a world where no 2 people are perfectly alike therefore to assume there is a common knowledge base seems flawed to me

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