Down goes Kansas! Women's right to choose is Federally and state guaranteed, constitutionally. Who would've thought? Bless our Judges who apply and interpret the law, not their religiously attached emotions.
This would be a great step and I suspect many states would go that way (mine actually has programs that support choice). It would be interesting to see if the S. Court allowed states to do this. I would suspect yes as they would see this as a middle way which they seem to do often.
The ruling isn't as a blessing as you might think. The words State has interest and narrowly tailored rule means they can still outlaw abortions but not all abortions.
Such as
: it is unlawful for any person to perform an abortion without being a licensed medical practitioner with the appropriate training and facilities to perform the operation.
It is unlawful for a medical practitioner to perform an abortion when the fetus is developed beyond the point in which it can be sustained outside the womb and birthing the child instead of aborting the child would create no greater risk or harm to the mother.
So now we know the Republican Fascists have not infiltrated all the courts in this country!
Such great news!
We still have a chance to Eradicate this Fascist menace from our shores!
Glad to hear it.
Kansas is working overtime to make up for Brownback and the other republicans.
This is a step in the right direction.
However, it's only a State Constitutional right.
If Roe and Casey are both overturned by the SCOTUS, which could happen,
Kansas will have to go to court with the feds to maintain their state sovereignty.