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Is it better to make compromises or is it better have things your way?

AustinSkepticus 7 Mar 10

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I readily compromise 80% of the time and don't think twice about it. It is my way of being fair, because I will win on issues that are important enough to me, no matter how long it takes.


That is a simplistic question. If it takes compromise to accomplish something productive (as opposed to accomplishing nothing of value) then compromise is fully justified.


The person that will be held financially responsible for damages, repairs or replacement is the one that should make the decision.


It always seemed that a compromise is is two people not getting what they want.
I like having my own way but, hey, I’m an asshole.

Iffy Level 5 Mar 10, 2018

I would venture to say that it's pretty much impossible to have things your way, so to make your life easier, it might be better to allow yourself to compromise.


Well, of course I'd prefer to always have my way but that is part of why I live alone. On the other hand, I don't normally see anything wrong with compromise, as long as it doesn't violate my deeply and sincerely held beliefs. 😉 YEA! That's right xtians, "nonbelievers" have deeply held beliefs, too!


It all depends on the situation. we all compromise on a daily bases as there is no freedom or rights.


Depends on what the situation presents.


"Compromise where you can, and where you can't, don't. Even if everyone is telling you that something wrong is something right, even if the whole world is telling you to move. It is your duty to plant yourself like a tree, look them in the eye and say, no. You move." - Sharon and Peggy Carter

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