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QUESTION Fake news versus real news

My daughter shared this with me and I thought it would be good for our group. How much of what we share is real and how much is fake? Sometimes it’s hard to see the difference. I also saw an accompanying feed on "Union of Concerned Scientists".

JackPedigo 9 Mar 10

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I find this to be a helpful resource for sorting through the fecal matter that is faux news. It might also help sort through the fecal matter from Fox (also faux) News.



When the goal of media is to create a substantial profit which also is set to deliver to you an agenda of political parties, it becomes a means to manage perception. When regulations of monopolies were deregulated by the Clinton administration in the 90's, it allowed 6 major owners to control all of MSM as we know today. You can thank Robert Parry for exposing the truth to the CIA's agenda of systematic managed perception and how the media would be and has been used since the 80's as the Reagan administration drove us further into perpetual war with its start going into Central America. The political establishment and media has since been a factor to everything you may believe today, as this article mentioned, especially in the political sense. If you're still getting your world news from any source of MSM, you've been programmed to think what they want you to think. Constant rapid repetitive reporting. It's what you get on MSNBC each week night. 4 to 5 programs with 4 to 5 different people for an hour each covering the same issues repetitively. 4 of the most talked about issues today might be Iran, Syria, N Korea and Venezuela. The demonizing of these countries by the MSM with unproven accusations and false claims is horrendous. It's the same measures that lead to the total destabilization of the middle east to systematically prepare you for more war and acceptance of how we destroy other countries. Whether it be through war and or sanctions. Fox, CNN, and all of their affiliates. Left right it doesn't matter! Countries in Central and South America with our puppet governments in place are ridden with gangs you only here about when they've chased good people to our borders. While you're told they are criminals looking for a free ride, drug dealers and rapist. The people in these countries have lost any sense of freedom as their democratically elected politicians have been forced out and or murdered. You think we have Union issues here? If they dare to speak out for a union or speak out period, they get night visits that often end in death. Oppression! Your MSM will not tell you of that though. Or the truths of what's really going on in Iraq and Afghanistan. When it's an agenda of managed perception, it's all fake.


I am notorious for calling bullshit on stories people post, the general rule I apply is if something sounds too, anything it is questionable.


Well, I try to sort out the facts before I post something or mindless share on facebook. snopes or fact checker. If I can't verify I let it be. Then are are some things are just scream fake. The funny thing is the Onion has got me twice!! LOL

Want to buy a bridge??

Yea, the onion is horribly nothing but click bait.

@JackPedigo I'm not THAT bad. LOL 🙂

@silverotter11 You should know me by now, I sometimes try to be a "Smart Ass" once in a while.

@JackPedigo LOL! I knew you were being a smart ass much better than a dumb . . . .

@silverotter11 And you thought you were the only one!! I love to banter and learned how to do it being the oldest with 6 siblings.


Interesting-have never used Twitter. Put my blackberry aside for a flip phone.

I would think the more devices and social media connections one has the higher the chances of getting crap.


Fake news is just a mindless euphemism for a lie and shameful propaganda. When you doubt a story, look at the sources and see who is telling you this information. Study the adjectives that they use and determine if they are giving you a story objectively or subjectively? Are they trying to refer to innocuous activities or events as 'horrible' or traitorous' or otherwise exaggerate objective facts?

My number one question is, is there a conflict of interest present?

@JackPedigo Are you asking if I have a hidden agenda? Some undisclosed secret that motivates my opinion towards dishonesty or deceit? Yes or No?


Sometimes it is very diffcult to verify I try to look up the producer and at times I am unable to get that person background. Concerned scientists is a great group I have belonged for several years.

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