From my Irish mother, I inherited thick hair with deep waves. It's like an animal pelt, a seal pelt.
Resists water, and takes a long time to get wet. Kneeling in the shower, I stick my head under the faucet and wait. Then takes forever to dry. It's so heavy, it hurts to stick it behind my ear.
Once a month, I get my hair thinned by my hair stylist. And pull it back with a barrette, just like I did at age 5.
In my 20's, I French-braided it wet. After a long day's hike, the braid was still wet underneath.
To weigh my hair down, I use leave-in conditioner, oils and shine spray. Still, my hair swings forward and and sticks to my lipstick.
My daughter Claire inherited my thick hair. Poor girl has spent her life in a ponytail.
With short hair, the waves winged out wildly. eye roll
Any suggestions?
Me working out. 2016
Claire on her 7th birthday.
Claire, 18, was a varsity tennis player for four years.
Stretching before shouldering my 40-lb. pack. Backpacking, age 23.
French twist for Claire's wedding, Sept. 2018
I thought mine was bad. Never has it been so heavy that it hurt to put behind my ears. Nor is it resistant to water. But it does get frizzy and it is wavy and annoys me. What I do is what your daughter does to be honest and once I entered the work world upped my game from a ponytail to a hair bun.
seems you appear to be blessed and curst at the same time but it is very beautiful hair
Thank you. Blessed and cursed is apt.