One of the worst things that I experienced regularly when I was working service and had to wear a name tag - strangers addressed me by my first name. Whoa! The tag was a job requirement, NOT a choice. Besides, my name is Miss ****, I am an adult. Never failed to creep me out, way too personal. Why do folks not know the error of this??
Error? The error is working for people haviing such a dim view of you (us) that they make sure just in case we forget our name, that it is pinned to our chest; sometimes with our home town included so we can find our way home when we get fired.
in the finest establishments (not corporate) name tags and aprons are absent and unnecessary because they hire well. The only place that pronouns matter is at the bank, where the service person deposits their gains; where THEY become the client.
I worked serving A/C's in homes with a first name embroidered on my shirt, it didn't bother me at all. In fact I liked it better than , 'Hey air conditioning man'. Can you explain further of what it is that offends you.
In some respects I prefer the 'Hey air conditioning man' first then I can tell them my name, which I'm happy to do, rather than using my first name straight off. It almost feels like they've borrowed something without permission lol