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What are your favorite science fiction television? I have many favorites including Babylon 5, Voyager, Farscape, Enterprise and Firefly.

SamL 7 Nov 12

Enjoy being online again!

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LOVE Farscape! I also love Doctor Who (old and new) and MST3K.

I never thought I'd get into Farscape as much as I did because of the muppet l-ike characters but I still very much enjoyed it.


Doctor Who!!!

For some reason I never got into watching Doctor Who. I heard it was great though.


I grew up watching Star Trek, Space 1999 and Battlestar Galactica,. I like Babylon 5 and Stargate SG1. I liked all of the Star Trek spin-offs.


Stargate SG-1, Lexx, Star Trek all, Doctor Who, and many others including yours.

orion Level 5 Nov 12, 2017

I forgot about Lexx. Zev, Stanley, Kai, 790, and Lexx. A love slave, a janitor, a dead guy, a lovesick robot head and a giant bug spaceship makes for quirkiy sci-fi. I loved it as well.

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