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How many actively seek to expand your horizons?

This is a general question. This can apply to any field or activity you wish. But I'm interested in finding out if people attempt to find new music, books, film, telvision series, tech, foods, PEOPLE...I'm not talking just unfamiliar-to-you but entirely other, something that opens up new worlds....challenges you.

BookDeath 8 Mar 11

Enjoy being online again!

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I personally like finding new music and artists. I've also discovered new shows on Netflix that are captivating. In Studying Religion, I've found Hitchens, Dawkins, Harris, Dillahunty, Carrier, Aron Ra and others. I'm also trying to pick different menu items at a restaurant. I find the whole process enriching and rewarding. I've studied Psychology to help me deal with a personality disordered individual.


Im always interested in learning though I hated school.


I read a lot of books never really without one I have been challenged a lot by my own lifestyle choices - living and working in communes & worker co-ops travelled a lot - Europe, China America. I guess the most 'new' was going to China before they opened up to the west. My friend and I were the only Europaens, everywhere we went and it was mind blastingly different. My friend a Health Visitor from Manchester wanted to close the whole country down - We gave a seminar to a symposium of Psychology and Psychiatry Lecturers who were hungry for all things Western and when we got there they - the lecturers were busy trying to clean the whole place up (thats mind blowing!) . I was also in East Berlin - when I was in West Germany, We were allowed to visit the East on a one day stamped permit. I was wearing cut down Levis and I was so' stared at 'for the whole day because the East Germans were so hungry for anything western.Something they hadnt previously been exposed too -


Always, and I will always find a way to continue doing so!


Always. Every day is another chance to be a better person and to learn.


Who wants the same old, same old. Ever listened to Bollywood metal?

Kimba Level 7 Mar 11, 2018

Bollywood metal? Whuuuuuut!? Must check this out.


Or Arabic violin

Or perhaps Turkish pop


Every day it makes life worth living.


Always-its what living is about.

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