Well this is alarming.
Folks. Did you ever have a mechanic, or someone who "knows your car"....suggest that you get something fixed/replaced soon....or you could find yourself stranded?
Many of us have taken this a variety of ways.
We've ignored them. and nothing happened. We've ignored them..and discovered they were right. We trusted them. Plunked down money....and still ran in to trouble. OR...We trusted them...plunked down the money...and never looked back. Situation solved.
Well that's where we're at with these dire warnings.
Elon Musk; Scientist, genius, billionaire, CEO of Tesla, SolarCity, SpaceX, and the Boring company... calls it the "dumbest experiment ever"....watch...
@altschmerz I hear you...but you're still using gutter talk...and few will read nor pay attention. Imagine if you said the exact same as above without the Mushroom Dick/flea-bitten. C'mon Al....clean it up. This is too important. Your words are important. Make them more powerful.
I'm not betting on the climate change being the terminator for human civilization, that takes second fiddle to the nuclear weapons. They will turn the earth into a charred, barren, crater-filled planet . . . . we will not have to wait for the environmental issues to catch up with us . . . .
Maybe climate change and global warming will counter the nuclear winter and the firestorm will extinguished by the rising sea levels?
Best make the most of the time we have left then, anyone up for an orgy in a brewery on a cannabis plantation?