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LINK For 2nd day in a row, US military jets intercept Russian bombers off Alaska - ABC News

This is a bit concerning as there was also a close call with ships (Russian/U.S.) in the Philippine Sea.

snytiger6 9 June 7

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Nothing out of the ordinary. This tit for tat has been occurring, on both sides, for decades. I worked Naval intelligence in the late 70's early 80's and we all did it. Just now we have more and quicker access to happenings being made public. I had photos of our planes flying next to a Russian civilian airliner. Imagine that today. I'm only concerned when one side ratchets up the rhetoric and uses it for political purposes at home.

Side note: the press published a military report that the Russians had flown near to one of our military planes the other day. If the photo shown was the occurrence, well then, I am not happy with my team, so to speak. The "infringing" Russian was a bomber (possibly Intel equipt). But why and how would it, a Tupolov quad turbo prop, catch up to a top of the line US fighter?

Beo, I live in Ocean Shores. For a while now I noticed non stop flyovers from fighters. We don't normally get traffic like this. Are the North Koreans after me again?

@PondartInc lucky for you the North Koreans are not a conventional threat. They have outdated equipment and no bombers worth spit and no air-to-air refueling capability. North Korea has one of the world's largest gold supplies still in the ground, so maybe the Russians are working for them, just to get to you.

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