FTA: Ham also says people now ask him if he believes in a Flat Earth “all the time!” He doesn’t seem to realize it’s because when you promote fiction as science, you’re bound to draw in an audience that’s susceptible to bad arguments and distorted facts.
When real scientists give talks, I assure you people don’t waste their time inquiring about the dumbest possible conspiracy theories. If one sneaks through, they’re roundly mocked.
It’s just not surprising that the Venn Diagram between Creationists and Flat Earthers includes a lot of overlap. When you fall for one hoax, the others quickly get within reach. (It’s not even the first time Answers in Genesis has mocked Flat Earthers — and been criticized in return — but it’s equally hilarious.)
If Ken Ham ever understands why Flat Earthers fall for something so obviously wrong, maybe then he’ll realize what the rest of us have been saying about him this whole time.