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Last year in September, my friend lost his 86 year old wife to severe diabetes that crippled her for years, but four months to her death, I started smelling death...,right now I have started smelling death of my demented 87 year old, her husband. I am worried that he is dying. Have you ever smelt death or this is illusion?

Humanlove 7 Mar 12

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When you smell it you know and I'm sorry about your friend and his wife that's a sad time


Though, cats can smell death up to a few weeks in advance.

I still think I smelt death and I know how it smells!


There are quite a few tells as death nears. The body starts to not work as properly, so different things happen. Mottling, rattling, burst of energy, etc.

I’m not sure you mean near death. I think you more likely smell incontinence and products that elderly people use. As well as more gas and bad breath.

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