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Human struggle

What do you feel is humanity’s biggest current struggle in this era?

Vipyr82 7 Mar 12

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fascism aka greed


You ask such vague, global questions that it appears that you are fishing for any response, as opposed to having a specific purpose.

Wasn’t trying to be vague as far as surveying. I genuinely want to know the differing opinions so I can get perspective and engage.


Too many humans wanting too much.


Good question but I have to think on that for a loooong time


I agree with the others. If some solutions can't be found to our failing environment and global warming we as a species shall become extinct.. it's happened to many other species it will happen with us.


Humanity! As per the other comments, there are too many of us and we are destroying our planet and everything o it.


Simply far too many of us. We have let economics hijack the environment of which the economy depends. When the natural resources are gone so is the economy and we will follow soon.

Simply far too many of us are ignorant!

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