Iām at a crossroads right now. Who is openly atheist? How important was it to come out and what regrets do you have?
I have been an atheist for decades. When I was very young I figured everybody was an atheist and the entire religion/god thing was just another Santa Clause story used by people in power to retain influence over children. It wasn't until I was in my 20's before, to my dismay I realized so many children did not grow up when they grew old and actually believed these ridiculous fairy tales. I have been an active anti-theist for decades. Parents were not happy when I identified as an atheist but they have learned to put up with me and not bring up religion as I actively debunk faith based dishonestly asserted as fact based truth.
You circumstances are unique to you. This video may be worth your time. . .
I'm agnostic. Wherever I am and whoever I'm talking to at the time, I often temporarily adjust my language to "blend in," because I don't take anything that seriously, believe IN nothing, and learn a lot more that way.
So I'll never come out except depending on my company at the time I might intimate I'm agnostic. In those cases they usually are too. Or atheist.