In the U.S., every minority has had to fight to try to gain equal rights.
This is mental illness if your allowing children to be sexualized....period....this kid looks drugged and completely disturbed
I don't see how a kid who likes to do drag applies to the topic tha LGBT rights are no tfederalyl protected.
Back in the late 1960's when I was a kid, there was a boy who did drag and said he wanted to be a firl. He grew out of the drag, but as an adult identifies as a gay man.
I think it is more harmful to child to have parents who suppress their expressiveness and creativity, so that they themselves (the parents) are not embarrassed. It is healthier for the child for parents to let their kids find otu who they really are and help them develop confidence in themselves.
Most people are deluded enough to believe that since a law exists it will be enforced and that if a law is needed it must already exist.
Ignorance is indeed bliss