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Red pill or Blue pill?

"You take the blue pill, the story ends. You wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes" Could we be living in something similar to the matrix in any way?

  • 18 votes
  • 5 votes
TheRealist1333 4 Nov 12

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Now reality includes for many the ability to fly to almost any location on Earth, and for far more people the ability to browse a virtual museum with a million pictures in it, the ability to warm up a room crazy warm if we want, to have more food than is good for us. And with a car the ability to go somewhere a few miles away in just a matter of minutes.

Reality is good. The illusion is usually not so. Evolution shows how we became who we are, anaesthetics that we can lose all awareness and return to awareness some time later, so our soul does not appear to exist, when body functions stop all awareness stops.

There are a lot of people who have abilities that nobody a hundred years ago could get. No multimillionaire back then could jet across the ocean or browse a million pictures. Yet people unwisely compare themselves with others who have more and get depressed at not having everything someone else has, or get depressed because they are not beautiful enough, or so they think.


In the past the illusion provided by the church was of angels singing behind the stone lattice work 'curtain' and the colours of the stained glass windows, and the promises of heaven after we die, surrounded by an uninteresting reality of getting cold and getting hungry. The illusion was better


Well..It certainly couldn't be powered by plugging in humans. We require a greater energy input than we are capable of energy output. Plus there is this: []

It also bothers me that this great computer programmer in the sky starts to feel a little like their god.


There is a theory we are living in a computer program.


Damn, should have voted for the unpopular one


I consider The Matrix to be a crucial film for explaining the sharp distinction between the world we actually live in and how we think of the world.

I don't think it is at all accurate but the film has been made the only way it can be made and still be successful and powerful.


Reality, is better than any make believe, no matter how enticing.


But really, I think I need a mix of the two. Lol

I totally agree, but then you have to do a lot more thinking to appreciate what is good and try to fix or omit what isn't

@Annalida Augmented reality.

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