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Would you use religion as a tool in a Bright(naturalistic) way like 7th Day Adventists do? Turns our Ellen White learned Natural Hygiene a tool of Physiology and Life Science and used the message of scripture to create a church based around teaching raw veganism and healthy living so when you hear words like God it represents Nature or Jesus it means our Unity Principle(Golden Ratio 3 4 5 Triangle) of Pythagoreanism etc. So it creates like a support group out of scripture that people can use as an analogy or take serious I suppose too.

Enjoy being online again!

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If I had a good idea for motivating / helping people I would present it on its own merits.

Of course as a consultant I have become quite good at introducing ideas in such a way that my clients think they thought them up, and I'm happy to give them full credit for their brilliance 😉 Other times I'm hired specifically to champion something so I can take the fall if it doesn't work out.

I guess there's a fine line, though, between getting people on board with an idea without taking credit for it, and introducing it like a trojan horse under false pretenses. Religion is an inherently manipulative paradigm that stands as a proxy for empirical or rational thinking (at best) and a substitute for same (at worst, and most commonly). If there's a factual basis for a thing, then why would you need religion to prop it up?

i agree but i also feel happy to have found a group of people almost succeeding or idolizing eating clean and living clean even if 'tricked' haha just for the connection sake , a rare thing today that people having gotten tricked by a bigger religion : PROCESSED and REFINED 'food-like-stuff' #CookeryBust

@JonasSunshine I walk past 90% of the aisles in the grocery store and have for years.

@mordant i make it a point to talk to people about their choices if they will entertain a conversation to educate because i know when people make wiser choices it creates reverberations that impact countless lives not just mine


I had a dream once that I should start a religion and use it to, 'help' people. When I woke up and analysed it it seemed a quite unethical thing to do really. I was staying with my Nanna at the time, who is into her church in a strong way and it's part of her community.

as we say in Non Violent Communication 'nothing feels better than to contribute to the life of other people'
but not to do things unless it meets needs inside yourself, needs we realize others share, and not to make compromises of one need to meet other needs because ways exist if we shift rather than compromise that we can find strategies and tactics that can meet each's needs with out sacrifice, what we call positive sum win win via authenticity and empathy.

<3 NVC 🙂 that's another thing I could do with revising.


As the eminent historian Ronald Numbers revealed in his book "Prophetess of Health," published in 1976, few if any ideas regarding healthful living practices were original to Ellen G. White! Numbers' book reveals quote after quote of what we would today call 'copy and paste' from other contemporary authors of her time. And yet she still had the unmitigated gall to couch her writings with phrases like "It was revealed to me that..." etc. and to promote among her following that she was blessed with 'the Spirit of Prophecy.' Alas, she was just another in a seemingly endless line of religious plagiarists and charlatans!

of course not one new idea it goes back to Isaac Jennings, RT Trall, Sylvester Graham, John Henry Tilden, Herbert Shelton who she learned from and said so. Natural Hygiene can't get broken as it exists a study of human biology in relation to our Physiological food choices via .... unless you mean the merging of religious works into hygiene as an analogy to represent people turning to health by saying no to eating cooked and animal products as 'jesus' (what it means in a coded way once you clue in in a not taking offense or acting defensive way, NVC would help you with its amoralism or General Semantics too as you seem to come from a right wrong thinking place) #StaticLabeling #jackalSpeak #BeautifulGiftRevealingAnUnmetNeed

by looking at your profile i get it . maybe i would suggest to you to study Doug Grahams book 80 10 10 so you better understand the not so clearly put message of Ellen White (as she seems to have violated Temperance by permiting clean and unclean concepts to veer from NH and other derrisions). as i see it she seems to have hid it in a coded way rather than speaking direct

(audiobook) :
that you faced a misleading method of teaching i would mourn with you if you wish

or :


To me it makes for a fun role playing game, to call 1stdayers (people who go to other churches that use the scripture religiously and do not follow what it says to do: eat fruit) satanic or anti-christ, because they worship false idols aka not following the unity principle of Pthagoreanism to bring health to their lives.
This group now holds a record for "longest lived people" in Loma Linda because of these Natural Hygiene and ethical practices. So while I might consider myself as having a militant agnostic point of view, saying unknowable stuff matters to have unknowable, like how our cells store create and use energy, etc I can get creative and accept that previous human culture on earth created used and has this tool to help in dominion on earth.


I find 7thdayers sort of like a network of raw till four people under an umbrella, the term Vegan Umbrella means people who say stuff like 'I do vegan-ism just not all the time, or mostly' and raw till 4 means not sticking to whole fresh ripe human food but eating meals of cookery later on throughout their days that will cause dehydration acid forming wastes anti nutrients, auto immune white blood cells reactions, mucus, and an over growth or microbiome bacterial colonies like candida etc who much like Alcohol Anonymous and Bill and Bob create a cycle of people who self depreciate as a reason to later admit their sin as a form of meaning and purpose to get renewal (baptism/confession?) on a continual basis(to wash away sin(eating non human cookery or not getting enough rest, sunshine clean air/water or surfing porn and doing drugs)).

My goodness these posts have given me lots of homework to do!

@girlwithsmiles let me start you off with a movie?

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