We use this question frequently in training classes to get to know people.
You claim 3 things about yourself; 2 are true and one is a falsehood. But you have to choose truths that are crazy enough to maybe be lies and a lie that is just plausible enough to be believed.
My 3 are as follows:
Which is the lie?
What are your 3 claims?
All food related:
I have never eaten a salad of any description.
I can eat a raw onion as if it is an apple.
I will happily eat raw chillis.
Hmm, I think #3 is true. #1 seems too unlikely. There are too many different types of salads out there and as a child I would think you were asked to eat at least some kind of salad.
That leaves me with #2 as the lie.
Ok, #1 is out. I’m guessing #3 is the lie. Hate is a strong emotion. I personally feel more pity and annoyance than hate.
That would make #2 true, and that makes me curious about your financial planning....
@Tinocca if I typed hating theocrats my word choice would give away the truth so you lost this 2+1 quiz nada penny in my bed