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Risk everything to be happy my friends. The price is worth the reward.

Sapio_Ink 7 Mar 13

Enjoy being online again!

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Love this!


I love travelling and starting a new life in different places! My last adventure landed me in Indianapolis with a conundrum.


How ya gonna keep 'em down on the farm. After they've seen Paree' ?

Did some travelling in my younger and college years. Messed me up. Now I want to go everywhere and see everything!


"Most men live lifes of quiet desperation.". Thoreau


I've recently been dealing with failure after taking a supreme emotional risk on someone, and I'm still recovering in ways. That said, I completely agree and would do it again, albeit more carefully if I could. Life is too short to be tepid about it, and hard as they are each failure is a lesson.

@Sapio_Ink It was that heart that got me into the mess. It was that for which she used me to get to where she wanted to be. It'll get me further. That's the thing...survivors know they're not going to die...just hurt a lot.


For sure


I've always been a risk taker and still after surviving cancer take risks journeying to the West Coast to meet a fellow site member. Took a risk, made a new friend.

Good for you!


It is soooooo easy, to fall into those daily routines, habits, and ruts. It takes daily diligence to keep yourself moving forward. Learning, humor, sharing, being kind, and grateful are the tools I use to keep me on that forward path.


I've been thinking about selling my home and downsizing dramatically so I can travel the way I've always wanted.

I hope you are able to do that! Travel is one of the most exhilarating and educational thing we can do for ourselves. Good luck!!!!

@KKGator thank you! My son is 12. Could be the best home school ever!

@Archer “Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one's lifetime.” - Mark Twain
All great lessons for a 12-year-old to learn!

Couldnt agree with Mark Twain more. I see so much bigotry and hate in Oklahoma and the U.S. that would be cleared up if people would travel further than their own backyard.

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