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QUESTION Yuval Harari: “Human beings are all algorithms!” - L'Atelier BNP Paribas

Are Humans collective of algorithms ?

mazigh 4 Nov 13

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I loved “Sapiens” but had problems with “Homo Deus.” The second section of that book seemed to me a unjust degradation of secular humanism. The first book is within in realm of expertise while, I felt, the second was, at times, outside it. Otherwise I enjoyed the first and last parts of “Homo Deus.” Harari analyzes whether conciseness in necessary for AI to make important decisions and whether AIs when they are more intelligent than humans could ever compete with humans making decisions. As to your question, yes, I think our thinking is a type of algorithm although a more complex algorithm that AI will attain anywhere in the near future.

gearl Level 8 Nov 13, 2017
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