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Have you ever thought of taking your own life? Because a persons life belongs to that person and actually a basic human right. So why is it to controversial when someone that have been tired of life can be called <strong>selfish</strong>?, Dont you think that as an individual you can decide either live or die?

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alinabdu98 2 Mar 13

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There should be an option for having been in the past cuz i wouldnt call myself suicidal, considering i take medication now. And an option for having suicidal ideation. And having attempted xD


I've been on both ends.

I think being suicidal is fluid. It's something that comes and goes. I've yet to know a person who is happy and suicidal at the same time. We only have one life. Strive for happiness.

So far as being selfish, yes. Because when you leave, those who love you suffer. Suicide by its very nature is a self serving act.

If you want to talk more in private, pm me.

Well...while technically for that moment, yoi are happy and not wishing you were dead, you can still have constant suicidal ideation amd be happy in some moments. Idk if OP means actively suicidal or not.

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