Cannibis has zero proven treatments for cancer. It will probably be really useful for nausea management, but that isn't really a "cancer treatment."
I am one the biggest cannibis proponents you'll ever find, but I can't bring myself to lie about it.
The cancer treatments on the market today are there because they are the best things we've found so far. Period.
Chemo is many different compounds.
Here is the real story of mustard gas exposure during WWI leading to a class of chemo agents. Reality is much less "evil" than that conspiracy meme suggests.
Of course, its like most things, all to do with money.
Did not know that. Well, didn’t know chemo was discovered as mustard gas. Hope that someday medicine will look back at chemotherapy and say how barbaric it was.
Problem with cannabis is that you can’t get federal funding to study it. And big pharma has a stake in keeping it that way.