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LINK Justice Alito Declares War on the Nones | Center for Inquiry

FTA: means From The Article: Alito has raised the possibility that all challenges to religious monuments in the United States are signs of hostility towards religion, and therefore invalid. To him, taking away the unconstitutional privilege of state support granted to Christianity is not leveling the playing field, but, instead, attacking his faith. And with that view comes an accompanying view of the non-religious population, and the groups such as CFI and AHA who seek equality for its members. That is a view of hostility towards us. We are barbarians, seeking to persecute Christians, and to tear down their art. To him, our desire is not for fair and equal treatment for adherents of all religions and those who hold no religious belief, but, instead, to remove rights from Christians. Just as demanding equal treatment for the LGBTQ community is not anti-straight, and campaigning for an end to educational segregation is not anti-white, calling for equal legal rights for atheists, and an end to special privilege for religion is not anti-Christian. Alito, however, thinks that it is. He has drawn his battle lines clearly. He is hostile to the non-religious, and believes any efforts by us to ensure fair treatment is an attack on Christianity. This level of bias against a significant and growing group of the population is not worthy of a Supreme Court Justice, and bodes ill for church-state separation in the future.

zblaze 7 June 28

Enjoy being online again!

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Scalia was nerfed at the boy ranch. Wonder why


Alito, like Scalia are not moral men and unbiased judges.

t1nick Level 8 June 28, 2019

Did someone in round two of the first Democrat debate last night mention that federal judges can be rotated on to the Supreme Court? That would be a way to restore a fair balance to the court.

Yes, it was mentioned. It was one of the male candidates. Perhaps Biden. Whoever it was never totally finished as the were interupted.

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