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LINK Donald Trump Jr. Shares, Then Deletes, a Tweet Questioning Kamala Harris’s Race

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, eh? They're claiming that she's not American when if you marry one that makes you a citizen.

IAJO163 8 June 29

Enjoy being online again!

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This is ironic this came up. I have a client who is from.Pakastan and when zi went to pull Social Security info for him and his son needed for my file they both had race as black. My client's wife is white and the son would appear white and my client has a German last name. I wondered since he has lived here over 40 years if that was the closest choice.
Ironically later I had gone into my system for another client and skipped Hispanic or non Hispanic, because I didnt know and was forced to mark one or the other.
I wonder how many others categorized from assumptions of govt. workers or forms/ systems requiring an entry to process a form.

I am embarassed to be part of the same race as Trump and his offspring.


What a douche bag

bobwjr Level 10 June 29, 2019

wait...people can be too black and then not black enough? What is wrong with that family? Nevermind...racist and stupid...


Oh for the love of pete! this still. "They are/are not a ____!" and at the sametime "We are not racists!"

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