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Blindfolded mountain goats soar over the Olympics- here we go again.

"The operation, now in its second year, is part of an ambitious, logistically complicated project that aims to correct historic wildlife mistakes, to eradicate mountain goats in a range where they’re not welcome and boost their numbers in another.

"Meanwhile, state wildlife officials and tribes have been keen to move them into the North Cascades, where over-hunting decades ago hampered populations.

"They hope more goats, and genetic diversity there, could boost populations."


LiterateHiker 9 July 3

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The intent is good, I’m sure, but don’t they realize that now every goat is going to want to have its picture taken blindfolded and dangling from something or other to post on social media?


great looking picture,,wonder what is going thru there minds even if they are sedated,,certainly hope this works out for them


I'm itching to re-caption this photo: "Honey, I love you, but this is the LAST time you convince me to fly economy!"


I hope it works if they trying to repopulate what was once there. But for some reason I see some moron shooting the goats not because he needs food but because he wanted to shoot to goat.


There is no hunting allowed in national parks.

With few roads, North Cascades National Park is high and extremely remote. Mountain goats live at high elevations.

Overweight, gun-toting poachers choose easy spots, like shooting deer from a truck.

@LiterateHiker well I know the national park thing
Means nothing to morons at all 😣 but your second point is quite valid. Honestly wish them well 😉 the goats of course.

yep, some of those morons go to africa & pay big money to shoot tame lions which were cubs brought up in basically a petting zoo.
i've sometimes wondered why some ppl don't get together & hunt down & eradicate those useless, cowardly POS.

@callmedubious From your lips to God's ears..sorta, kinda.


Wild hope it works

bobwjr Level 10 July 3, 2019

Poor Goats!


Good thing they are sedated.

They are fine in the North Cascades.

They are so stoned, they don't care.

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